I am trying to migrating powerbuilder code in version 8 into PB10.0
Can you please tell me how to migrate the proxies?
If have opened the workspace in the newer version (PB10) and migration
assistant has automatically converted the code into newer version. But
when i deploy, iam getting below errors...
---------- Deploying project p_nextid_proxy
Retrieving Powerbuilder Proxies from EAServer...
Generation Errors:
Deployment Warning: No files returned for package/component:
'UCBASE' EAServer error code: Unknown Proxy was not created.
---------- Done Deploying project p_nextid_proxy
---------- Deploying project p_logsaver_proxy
Retrieving Powerbuilder Proxies from EAServer...
Generation Errors:
Deployment Warning: No files returned for package/component:
'UCLOGSAVER' EAServer error code: Unknown Proxy was not created.
---------- Done Deploying project p_logsaver_proxy
---------- Deploying project p_htmlgen_proxy
Retrieving Powerbuilder Proxies from EAServer...
Generation Errors:
Deployment Warning: No files returned for package/component:
'UCHTMLGEN' EAServer error code: Unknown Proxy was not created.
---------- Done Deploying project p_htmlgen_proxy
---------- Deploying project p_secimpl
Doing Incremental Rebuild ...